Women - A Powerful Personality

Although women are physically weak barring few exceptions yet they are very strong emotionally. Their sense of belonging to a family reflects their importance. The focal point of her personality and central point of authority within the womanhood explains all the unanswered questions. The religious dogma of women's status and its interpretation are subjective. It suits the needs and desires of vested interests. The women role is always downgraded and described as unbecoming and unproductive. Whereas the reality is in opposition to the popular believe of weak and unimportant. When we analyse it without being biased, then we explore the powerful personality of a woman. The following will substantiate the importance and binding force of a woman.
When Lady Fatima Zahra daughter of Prophet Mohammed was born then Prophet Mohammed said, "She is the mother of her father". (In Arabic language it is called, Umea Abiha). The Arabic word 'Um' means Mother, e.g. Ummul Kitaab means Mother of all books. Therefore, the importance was emphasized for women because of the ignorance and arrogance of ancient Arab's culture and tradition. A male dominated society could never reconcile that women could be at par with them as human beings. They used to bury their daughter alive. They felt ashamed if a girl was born in any family. The breaking away of that tradition and elevating the status of a woman was the turning point in the Muslim societies, more pronounced in the Arabian Peninsula. The present female generation in the Islamic countries, especially in the Arab world is witnessing an appreciable change. The outlook in men is changing and more girls and many adult ladies are attending school and getting educated.
The developed and developing countries are witnessing a quantum leap by women in every walk of life. However, the underdeveloped countries and most of the African nations are still struggling to establish and recognise the women her well deserved status. The awaking can and will catapult the women in the front line of progress and propagation. The present century is experiencing the growth in terms of number and magnitude of women power. Their capabilities and quality of performance are becoming noticeable in all spheres of knowledge. The growth of women in a positive direction will certainly change the outlook of men. The impact on children will be amazing as a mother's influence on children's personality is profound and lasting. It will shape up the charter of a child. It is unequivocally established that more than eighty percent of children adopt mother's character. Therefore, it is our duty to ensure that women are given due respect, and their sanctity is protected rather than utilized for selfish gain and profit. The children should always be reminded the role played by women in their life is very important and worthy of praise.